Vicious Crusade - Hurt

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(Lyrics by Dmitry Basik, Alex Vertel, Alena Gornyh)

I hide my shame in dusk of night,
That shelters me so lonely.
Why take me to the rays of light?
You know it hurts.
You cradle me in your embrace,
But I'm still cold and scared.
By demons of the past I'm chased
And they still hurt.
And I've lost the key from the real me,
Me that down I've trod.
Now it's me that screams and hurts.
Now it's me I hide down deep inside.
Me I would retain, real me that I have slain.
The me I've slain...
Why strip me just to see the scars?
You want to cut your own?
You want new day to come for us
To see me hurt?
Say you love me, say you will.
Lie to me, but say
'Bout love that I no longer feel.
And let it hurt.
And I don't believe that it will hurt when sun is shining.
And I just believe that hurt will go with raise of dawn.
I'll take your love, your love that I am still denying.
It will not hurt, it won't really be so wrong.

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